Hi all!
It's my pleasure to announce our new game: Breaking Fast (those who think the name is a pun are completely wrong...).
The game can be described as a competitive runner, or even better, as a Mario Kart-like game, where players have to run as fast as they can, avoiding obstacles as well as the attacks received from other players. As usual in our games, the mood of the game revolves around drinks and food, with a casual and friendly artistic style conceived by Manuela, and music and sounds by Oliver.
Breaking Fast is in an early development state as we are still adding new elements and mechanics to make it even more fun and challenging. Recently, we had the chance to showcase the game in an event for game makers and the feedback was fantastic. People were really hooked on the game and enjoyed playing dirty tricks on their rivals. We also received a good amount of tips to improve the game, and we are currently integrating them.
The video below presents a coarse-grained view of the development process, starting from the conception on pen and paper. We started to think about the game during the last week of July in order to gain some knowledge about the Löve2d framework, which we intended to use for the August edition of Ludum Dare. However, we didn't advance much and ended up leaving it aside. Once Ludum Dare finished, we retook it because we were really hopeful about the potential of the game.
The development of Breaking Fast along three different phases
From its conception, our goal with the game has been targeting the core of fun and competitiveness, providing tight controls that pose a good trade-off between reward and frustration. Once the game is in a more polished state, we intend to submit it to Steam
Greenlight, where we expect to receive even more feedback to finish off the
last details.
Currently, the game only supports two players but it is our intent to include support for up to four players. Whether the game will have an online mode will largely depend on the feedback that we receive once in Steam Greenlight, due to the overhead in effort and infrastructure that adding online multiplayer may entail.
People from all ages and genres enjoying the game
This time Cookie beat Milk
Hope that we aroused your curiosity. We just created a twitter account through which you can follow us to stay tuned on the latest updates of Breaking Fast.
See you.
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